
Subscription is a great way to notify or update your user about the latest product or happenings of the business. Customers can subscribe according to their interest. The bot will send a message to the subscribed users every when there is new content from the source.

Subscription lets you update customer to newly published content by notifications from various sources.

Anatomy of a Subscription

You can easily use subscription in these three simple steps:

  1. Source: Select appropriate source type
  2. Details: Fill subscription details
  3. Analyze: Analyze the behavior

Example: How to create a Subscription

Lets create a sample subscription, notify user with a new article and analyze the user.

Next Steps:

  1. Create some subscriptions. Some subscription ideas:
    1. New Youtube video on your channel
    2. Periodic Newsletters
    3. Inform about new products/services
    4. Send articles of particular interest
  2. To know more about Subscriptions refer to detailed documentation

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