
Analyze provides access to essential metrics to gain insights on your bot. Use these metrics to track performance & gain insights on further developments of the bot.

There are 4 dashboards available, each giving unique insights on different dimensions. You can change your dashboard using a dropdown on top left corner. The dashboards are:

  1. Overview : Gives wholistic overview of the bot.
  2. Users : Gives insights on users
  3. Subscription : Gives insights on your subscription feeds
  4. Polls : Gives insights on poll performance.

Date Filter

You can select for what range of date you want to view the data.

The date field is different for different widgets. For example, if you are viewing inbound vs outbound widget in overview dashboard, it takes into consideration messages received within this timeframe. If you are looking at the poll breakdown widget in the poll dashboard, it takes into account "votes" casted during that time period.

Custom Widget

If you have a custom widget requirement, feel free to send an email to [email protected] with the requirements.

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